Identity: Remembering Who You Are

Princess - Daughter of King

My dreams are not too big. They are too small.

Sometimes I wonder if the hopes and dreams I have for myself are unrealistic and unattainable, but hearing the story of Levi Lusko at the Passion conference reminded me that God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His dreams for us are often bigger than the dreams we have for ourselves.

We operate in the visible realm, but God operates in the spiritual realm. We set our eyes on earthly things, but God is concerned with heavenly things. He has eternal purposes in mind for our lives, and He is the God of “infinitely more”. God is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or imagine (Eph: 3:20-21). Our dreams are too small.

But often, in order to bring God-sized dreams to fruition, we must first undergo a time of refinement. It’s possible to walk through valleys of suffering without any good coming from them, but if we fix our eyes on God, He will create purpose in even those circumstances that feel purposeless. What the devils intends for evil, God can use for good (Gen. 50:20). No season of life need be useless.

There is purpose in the pain. To take away our suffering is often to take away our ministry. And there is purpose in the waiting. Seasons of waiting are how we are refined. As frustrated as I felt after being convicted of my impatience to prematurely leave the sheep field for the throne room, I was also encouraged to be reminded of God’s good purposes interwoven into even the most painful of circumstances – be they the heartache of a broken engagement or simply the monotony of a paper-pushing desk job with seemingly no end in sight. There is purpose in the pain, and there is a reason for the waiting.

An important revelation for me at the Passion conference was that our Identity is not our Calling. We live in a culture where people tend to believe that what we do defines who we are. Sometimes when I’m in a stagnant season of life where I don’t feel like I’m doing much good, I start to believe that am worth less to God. But my Identity is that I am a Daughter of the King. I am a daughter of God, and my calling – my anointing, the good works I have been ordained to live out – are secondary to my Identity as His child. Our level of intimacy with God may ebb and flow over time, but once we have accepted Jesus as our Savior, our relationship with God remains constant, and therein lies our core Identity: unconditionally loved children of the God of the Universe. 

God loves us and has good plans for us, but fears and doubts sometimes keep us from believing that God has gifted us for His Kingdom work. If I’m honest with myself, I often worry that I am the problem; I am the reason I am stuck in this season of waiting instead of walking out my anointing. God wanted to do great things in and through me, but I am beyond hope of healing. I’m afraid that I can never change; I’m doomed to this intense personality with all its flaws. I’m afraid I’ll never fully recover from my bitterness and cynicism. I am shaped by my past, never to fully heal. I am not married because I am not marriageable. I don’t have a job I enjoy because I am incapable of being a joyful person. I am the problem. God cannot make me usable, and that is why I am stuck in this season of waiting.

These are lies from the pit of hell. God is good. He loves me, and He has good plans for me (Rom. 8:28). He has begun a good work in me that He is carrying out to completion (Phil. 1:6). I am being sanctified, little by little, day by day, being grown and developed and refined to be more like Christ.  Who do I think I am, to be powerful enough to thwart the plans of God?! How ridiculous, ignorant and narcissistic to believe that I am capable of getting in God’s way; that I am beyond God’s power to redeem! While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; the new has come. It is God Himself who works in us, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

It’s imperative that, as God’s children, we know what our Daddy says about us. When Christine Caine spoke at Passion, she told a story about when her daughter was in kindergarten. Evidently, one of the boys in the daughter’s kindergarten class called her “dumb and ugly.” According to the teacher, Christine’s daughter – instead of shrinking back or crying – threw her shoulders back and declared, “No, I’m not. My daddy says I’m smart and beautiful!”

And that made all the difference. We must know what God our Father says about us. We are not beyond redemption. We are not beyond the hope of healing. I am not too broken and bitter and hard-hearted to be used by God. He is able to transform me, and He is able to use me for good purposes in this broken world. Yes, Lord. Take my imperfect ability and do a perfecting work!

Authentically Aurora

22 thoughts on “Identity: Remembering Who You Are

      • Yep, and it does give me more time to think about all kinds of ideas for my blog/book/bitter businesses. BTW, I put my blog post that had a few ideas for the Kids Books for Adults, as well as the Banner thing I came up with for my Blog (which is why I need you to design one).


        • I just looked at them. They are amazing!!! The stepping on a crack one is my favorite! 😀 I think I’m going to make a Pinterest board with different illustration styles so we can agree on what style best fits the book. Then I can draw up some rough sketches!


        • Hmm… I think we make a series!!! 😀

          Yeah, Dropbox, Pinterest… I’m just going to introduce you to all kinds of social media. Lucky you. Increased human interaction!


        • I have a Pinterest, I just don’t know how to use it for me. And I do use Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so I’ve met them before.
          Yeah, I agree they could be a series. Do you think the amount of words are enough? Do you think I’m stealing Dr. Suesse’s style too much?


        • Yeah, I think it all looks great! We may tweak the wording a bit to assign the various sentences/phrases to certain pages/illustrations, but I love your storylines. And no, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Dr. Seuss should feel honored to have his style embittered 😉


        • Yeah, I think the wording could be tweaked. I would be open to your editing for sure. I am glad you are as excited about this as I am. And by the way, I don’t know if you meant to include your drawings in the dropbox, but I did look at them and they are so cool! A boy will be so lucky to have such a special girl as you!


        • Oh my gosh I love how you edited these. I so hope we can get these published! I just read the one about the noise and how his parents pay attention to him now. I CTM’ed!


        • Yay! It’s always a success when it elicits a CTM!!! I think this will be a really fun project for us to work on together. I just uploaded a link to my Pinterest board and am going to start some sketches for character design. Also, your other request is in the works!


        • How do I view what is on your Pinterest? Yeah, I’m pretty excited to see what kind of artwork you produce. Based on the one that I saw, I think it will be great!
          Excited about the other request as well!


  1. “We live in a culture where people tend to believe that what we do defines who we are.” Really liked this line. It’s so accurate, but we shouldn’t let it be.


    • Yes, I’m really trying to get away from identifying myself by what I do. Which would be a lot easier if the things I do weren’t so awesome. Like blogging. And eating ice cream. And teaching Sunday school to 2nd grade girls who think it’s a good idea to put tape on their lips and then rip it off and get blood everywhere and start a riot in the middle of Sunday school class so that I have to get another teacher to watch my kids while I take the bloody mess of a small child to the bathroom to wash up and not contaminate all of the other small children.

      See? This is why society defines us by what we do rather than who we are. I could define myself by all that awesomeness up there ^ OR by my cold and bitter heart (ironically, our lesson this Sunday was about how man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Guess it’s time for a proverbial heart transplant)!

      Liked by 2 people

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