Back to School – Part 2


Thanks to my perseverance, I finally got issued my district email address a few weeks early. I’ve hungrily dug into all of the shared files, desperately trying to find out if there are already lesson plans in place or if I need to be spending my last weeks of summer developing a syllabus, worksheets, homework, quizzes and tests for the year. I don’t want my first six weeks to be a mess of chaotic franticness.

All summer long, I’ve been checking the district website hoping they’d update the calendar for the 2017-2018 school year. They finally did a couple weeks ago, so I found out my first day of teacher inservice would be Thursday, August 10th. I’ve had it in my calendar ever since.

To make the most of my last week of summer, Seth and I planned a romantic day trip for Monday, August 7th, and I have a specialist doctor’s appointment scheduled for Tuesday the 8th. I had to schedule the appointment two months in advance, so I was relieved they were able to get me in before school started.

Then yesterday, I checked my district email account.

The email account I only have because I’ve been bothering IT all summer long.

The email account I’m not supposed to have yet and that no one has advised me to be checking yet this summer.

I had an email “reminding” me of MANDATORY TRAINING for new teachers on August 7-8.

Note that this email was not sent to my personal email from my resume. I did not receive a call from my principal or administration. I never heard anything about this mandatory training from the HR department. The only reason I found out about it was because I had a district email address that I AM NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE YET AND ONLY HAVE BECAUSE OF MY PROACTIVITY!!!

Seth and I cancelled our romantic day trip. He’s out $50 for tickets we already bought.

I postponed my specialist doctor’s appointment for another two months. Now I’ll have to use a precious vacation day to go to my appointment.

And I will responsibly show up for this mandatory training I only know about because I am proactive, responsible and on top of things when the rest of the school system is not.

I’m so glad I left Corporate America to escape bureaucracy.

Authentically Aurora

8 thoughts on “Back to School – Part 2

  1. So sorry about this. I wonder if you’ll be the only new teacher there (in which case they will reschedule, and all your other rescheduling to accommodate them will have been pointless).
    Warning: if your school system is like those around here, some of this “mandatory training” will be cheerleading and pep talks and a motivational speaker. Just like corporate.
    Again, God’s blessings to you as you approach the real teaching once the students arrive. J.


    • Thanks for the support, J. We had our first day of orientation today, and – you’re right – it was a lot of vision casting and motivational speakers. However, unlike corporate, this administration seems to genuinely believe what they’re saying and sincerely want the good of their staff. I caught a couple of phrases of “Christianese”, if you will, and I suspect most of my administration are followers of Jesus! So I’m hopeful 🙂


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